Thursday, May 21, 2009

Good Things To Say In An Engagement Card

The other side of Unsatexi

Ogni tanto c'è bisogno di qualcuno che ci racconti la verità, tutta la verità, nient'altro che la verità sulle favole... (...dica lo giuro!)

(Grazie a Roseau per il contributo)


Il problema è che i Foche si ostinano a vedere nelle Unsatexi chissà quale esotismo dell' animo e chissà quale sensualità e che le Unsatexi vedono nei FocheFoche chissà quali manifestazioni del genio umano. E allora, purtroppo, può avvenire il gneang.
Salvo poi scoprirsi reciprocamente, dopo a period ranging from several minutes to a few years, ordinary people, if not petty. The
Unsatexi is a 'youth on the edge of hysterical, terrified by the' idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing old and suffers from psychosis schizoparanoidea intended, although we think the most fortunate of women, to become a process used. Like all others, that you, inconfessabilmente despises.
's usually whiny, querulous, and low-lover accused of cruelty towards the weaknesses of others. So exacerbated by life and disappointed by people you do not even love herself. The
Seals is a boy pedantic, myopic, if not by birth, emotionally younger than Unsatexi , with little or no care of themselves because, presumptuously, thinks clothes order means obedience to hypocritical bourgeois decorum. Usually for projects in Unsatexi features of courtly love, though she is an average 'harpy. And this happens to him because he knows too little women, mating only with the Alpha male, of course, the disgust and have the balls full of his sermons intellectuals after 5 '.
For purely opportunistic reasons (anxiety d 'incurable heart of him-that also saw the irrepressible tendency of mind, driven by the presumption that she did not want a stud for mounting in the side and had not yet found, on the threshold of thirty, a mind to its unparalleled height), the two come together.
Except then, after just over a year-average statistics of fire and fire-emotional, can not stand, and see themselves in all their human misery. By


Good Things To Say In An Engagement Card

The other side of Unsatexi

Ogni tanto c'è bisogno di qualcuno che ci racconti la verità, tutta la verità, nient'altro che la verità sulle favole... (...dica lo giuro!)

(Grazie a Roseau per il contributo)


Il problema è che i Foche si ostinano a vedere nelle Unsatexi chissà quale esotismo dell' animo e chissà quale sensualità e che le Unsatexi vedono nei FocheFoche chissà quali manifestazioni del genio umano. E allora, purtroppo, può avvenire il gneang.
Salvo poi scoprirsi reciprocamente, dopo a period ranging from several minutes to a few years, ordinary people, if not petty. The
Unsatexi is a 'youth on the edge of hysterical, terrified by the' idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing old and suffers from psychosis schizoparanoidea intended, although we think the most fortunate of women, to become a process used. Like all others, that you, inconfessabilmente despises.
's usually whiny, querulous, and low-lover accused of cruelty towards the weaknesses of others. So exacerbated by life and disappointed by people you do not even love herself. The
Seals is a boy pedantic, myopic, if not by birth, emotionally younger than Unsatexi , with little or no care of themselves because, presumptuously, thinks clothes order means obedience to hypocritical bourgeois decorum. Usually for projects in Unsatexi features of courtly love, though she is an average 'harpy. And this happens to him because he knows too little women, mating only with the Alpha male, of course, the disgust and have the balls full of his sermons intellectuals after 5 '.
For purely opportunistic reasons (anxiety d 'incurable heart of him-that also saw the irrepressible tendency of mind, driven by the presumption that she did not want a stud for mounting in the side and had not yet found, on the threshold of thirty, a mind to its unparalleled height), the two come together.
Except then, after just over a year-average statistics of fire and fire-emotional, can not stand, and see themselves in all their human misery. By


Friday, May 8, 2009

Communite Service Letter

Letter from Regional Advisor Francesco Prina

publish the letter from the Regional Director of the PD, Francesco Prina, in response to a question concerning the plan of the expressway.
"Dear Robecchesi,
I was asked recently to comment on the route of the highway to Malpensa. My thought has always been clear and obvious (my position is also on my site ). In recent years by Regional Council have spoken several times on the subject, suggesting also the solutions, as well as expressing a position of the fund. More. Going further back, I can say that the infrastructure links has been a central theme of my election campaign in 2005, which was presenting to voters. Not to promise things, but to bear witness to a position within the regional council, whatever the weight.
are for the "NO" to cement buildings, for the "NO" to the invasion of logistics for the "NO" to fake job, "NO" to environmental pollution, "NO" to the devastation of the territory, " NO "to the arbitrary use of land," NO " waste of resources and infrastructure havoc.
On this basis I have always built my specific locations.
The road has been decided over our heads, is led by the Region with state law and Anas through a target? Evil, but if you must come to terms with, let them!
no dates back a long time ago my statement: " The issue is not IF you will but as you will."
"processing" does not necessarily mean "commodify" as some want. Stage does not mean an opposition to bring cases to their money or increase the cement road with cement for other infrastructure works. "Treat" means to get involved, learn, study, do not be caught off guard and open the cards on the table of projects. Getting in front of the proposer aware of wanting to get a path rather than another.
If you do not have the ability to take a position, you put in a position to suffer, and the choice of institutions for over-charge could be the worst in the field.
two principles which I recommended to those directors who've turned to me in recent years: first, supra-coordinated and secondly, to vigorously support the track and possibly improve the existing less impact.
In the absence of these two principles, nothing can save them from casting of concrete and dell'avvilimento weight of local authorities. ***

Recently I was asked to take a position on robecchesi uncertainties.
A few days ago came the news unanimous approval in the City Council during which the changes were approved to be submitted to the Lombardy Region and the Ministry of Infrastructure. Finally! The City of
Robecco took a step forward. Now I wonder and I ask you: but the contents of this resolution could not be developed and approved before, many years ago?
So here is my opinion - always the same, repeated in all political meetings, all the newspapers, in all meetings of the Commission in the Region, reiterated alderman Regional and its officials (the trouble is that I sit on the benches of Minority !!!).
I here quote me through my self-release (found on the full site) - 3 June 2008 - where I said: This

if you were to opt for the path to the west of the waterway.
Going further source of the story, I can say here now and remind you all that since 2005, the months of my campaign for the region, I continued to support and reiterate that I think would be the best ever that was east of the ships that would have coincided with a TOTAL RENOVATION OF EXISTENCE, avoiding the divide by Castellazzo Robecco, saving 5 obscene flyover (the colossal absurdity high environmental impact that we all admire today north of the former SS 11).

*** If my argument has always supported all the tables - to facilitate mobility by road between the eastern Ticino built with accessibility in Malpensa - can not find consensus, despite my sense that reformist characterizes my being in politics is not some 'who accept the contents of the last resolution passed unanimously by the City Council Robecco. With a question: "Why only now this act?" - When the games on the design in the region have already been made? Because in these past 5 years, the City Council of Robecco merely endure the motions for Anas and Region without asking and investigate alternatives?

*** Best Regards, Francesco Prina

Regional Council of Lombardy
Corbetta, May 7 '09

Communite Service Letter

Letter from Regional Advisor Francesco Prina

publish the letter from the Regional Director of the PD, Francesco Prina, in response to a question concerning the plan of the expressway.
"Dear Robecchesi,
I was asked recently to comment on the route of the highway to Malpensa. My thought has always been clear and obvious (my position is also on my site ). In recent years by Regional Council have spoken several times on the subject, suggesting also the solutions, as well as expressing a position of the fund. More. Going further back, I can say that the infrastructure links has been a central theme of my election campaign in 2005, which was presenting to voters. Not to promise things, but to bear witness to a position within the regional council, whatever the weight.
are for the "NO" to cement buildings, for the "NO" to the invasion of logistics for the "NO" to fake job, "NO" to environmental pollution, "NO" to the devastation of the territory, " NO "to the arbitrary use of land," NO " waste of resources and infrastructure havoc.
On this basis I have always built my specific locations.
The road has been decided over our heads, is led by the Region with state law and Anas through a target? Evil, but if you must come to terms with, let them!
no dates back a long time ago my statement: " The issue is not IF you will but as you will."
"processing" does not necessarily mean "commodify" as some want. Stage does not mean an opposition to bring cases to their money or increase the cement road with cement for other infrastructure works. "Treat" means to get involved, learn, study, do not be caught off guard and open the cards on the table of projects. Getting in front of the proposer aware of wanting to get a path rather than another.
If you do not have the ability to take a position, you put in a position to suffer, and the choice of institutions for over-charge could be the worst in the field.
two principles which I recommended to those directors who've turned to me in recent years: first, supra-coordinated and secondly, to vigorously support the track and possibly improve the existing less impact.
In the absence of these two principles, nothing can save them from casting of concrete and dell'avvilimento weight of local authorities. ***

Recently I was asked to take a position on robecchesi uncertainties.
A few days ago came the news unanimous approval in the City Council during which the changes were approved to be submitted to the Lombardy Region and the Ministry of Infrastructure. Finally! The City of
Robecco took a step forward. Now I wonder and I ask you: but the contents of this resolution could not be developed and approved before, many years ago?
So here is my opinion - always the same, repeated in all political meetings, all the newspapers, in all meetings of the Commission in the Region, reiterated alderman Regional and its officials (the trouble is that I sit on the benches of Minority !!!).
I here quote me through my self-release (found on the full site) - 3 June 2008 - where I said: This

if you were to opt for the path to the west of the waterway.
Going further source of the story, I can say here now and remind you all that since 2005, the months of my campaign for the region, I continued to support and reiterate that I think would be the best ever that was east of the ships that would have coincided with a TOTAL RENOVATION OF EXISTENCE, avoiding the divide by Castellazzo Robecco, saving 5 obscene flyover (the colossal absurdity high environmental impact that we all admire today north of the former SS 11).

*** If my argument has always supported all the tables - to facilitate mobility by road between the eastern Ticino built with accessibility in Malpensa - can not find consensus, despite my sense that reformist characterizes my being in politics is not some 'who accept the contents of the last resolution passed unanimously by the City Council Robecco. With a question: "Why only now this act?" - When the games on the design in the region have already been made? Because in these past 5 years, the City Council of Robecco merely endure the motions for Anas and Region without asking and investigate alternatives?

*** Best Regards, Francesco Prina

Regional Council of Lombardy
Corbetta, May 7 '09

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jackastors Lobster And Crab Dip

A small visitor ...

who noticed the song that lures these days of sleep cascinazzesi? Comes from a small bird, the nightingale . For many nights you can distinctly hear her singing, very loud and clear. It is not the first season that makes us visit. Reading this little animal, we discover the truly amazing things. On wikipedia says:
"... Her singing is considered among the finest and most complex of songbirds and consists of single tones and two stanzas of densely aligned to each other. In the beginning spring the nightingales sing mostly at night until the morning, singing serves here mainly for the demarcation of reserves and for the attraction of female partners. In late spring the nightingales can be heard clearly during the day. The Male songbirds learn to sing in early youth by birds and neighbors know fluently between 120 and 260 different kinds of verses, which last for more than two to four seconds. The differences in the repertoires of verses learned and changes in characteristics stanzas allow the differentiation of regional dialects. The nightingale is the subject of research by ethology mainly because of its complexity and the function of the past memoria.In nightingale's song was considered a painkiller and had to make a mercy killing and the dying patient to a speedy healing ...."

[ Source Wikipedia]

Jackastors Lobster And Crab Dip

A small visitor ...

who noticed the song that lures these days of sleep cascinazzesi? Comes from a small bird, the nightingale . For many nights you can distinctly hear her singing, very loud and clear. It is not the first season that makes us visit. Reading this little animal, we discover the truly amazing things. On wikipedia says:
"... Her singing is considered among the finest and most complex of songbirds and consists of single tones and two stanzas of densely aligned to each other. In the beginning spring the nightingales sing mostly at night until the morning, singing serves here mainly for the demarcation of reserves and for the attraction of female partners. In late spring the nightingales can be heard clearly during the day. The Male songbirds learn to sing in early youth by birds and neighbors know fluently between 120 and 260 different kinds of verses, which last for more than two to four seconds. The differences in the repertoires of verses learned and changes in characteristics stanzas allow the differentiation of regional dialects. The nightingale is the subject of research by ethology mainly because of its complexity and the function of the past memoria.In nightingale's song was considered a painkiller and had to make a mercy killing and the dying patient to a speedy healing ...."

[ Source Wikipedia]