City Robecco sul Naviglio
Province of Milan
Ordinance No. 05
Given that:
• the fight against house flies to be conducted by public and private, for their skills, primarily through actions of prevention and remediation of the environment and using chemical pesticides, to integration of operations of hygiene environment, only in case of need;
• the City guarantees the cleanliness of public land, collection of municipal solid waste, proper management of the centers for the collection of these wastes;
VISTA Note the ASL of the Province of Milan No 1 - Department of Prevention Medicine - No Way Spagliardi 19 - Parabiago (MI), No Class FC 24204, date 12.03.2009, (acts), relating to "fight the flies"
given the need to establish protective measures aimed at limiting the action of houseflies in the municipal area and having to provide by way of precaution, to issue appropriate measures to protect public health;
CONSIDERING the applicable local rules Hygiene;
VISA art. 50 of Legislative Decree 18 August 2000, No 267 smi;
to aspects of hygiene and public health
1. holders of shops or stores, where they are, for whatever reason, foods and beverages, as well as in all the settlements where they export their organic products are likely to attract insects, the adoption of methods and ways to fight against the flies, carrying out, where appropriate, disinfestation treatments of flies and other pests;
2. holders of deposits of waste, organic materials, animal or vegetable that could constitute a source of development of flies, to arrange for periodic cleaning of the land and premises and take measures to prevent, as far as possible, the development of insect pests, to make any necessary treatments by pest control flies and other pests;
3. owners of land fallow, to arrange for regular maintenance, grounds keeping it constantly clear of garbage, putrescible materials and any kind of waste is carrying out, if necessary treatments, pest control flies and other pests;
4. business owners livestock farm and raises cattle, to provide assistance to carry out regular pest control flies within the settlements. The treatments must be recorded by the Owner / Driver of the Company, on a special registry (or registries already used by the Company), which indicate the dates of treatment, the trade name of the product and disinfectant on doses used to use. In addition, owners / drivers themselves will need to ensure that:
• bedding of livestock in the barn that an infection in progress, are subjected to appropriate treatment before being carried fly-out.
• operations fertilizing the fields with organic substances must be conducted in the absence of rainfall and, as regards the spreading of manure, the observance of the periods of prohibition.
• the livestock manure and organic matter at risk of infestation is not subject to fly-technological processes of stabilization (sewage sludge, crop residues putrescible, etc.) are used to fertilization of both fields in liquid and solid, must be buried immediately and in the same day of the spill. In the land close to residential areas, the landfill must be determined, however, and must be completed within the next six hours beginning of the spreading operations. The burial must take place by plowing or direct injection.
5. owners of agricultural land belonging and non-agricultural and livestock farms located in the municipality , to maintain the ban on the field piles of manure in livestock manure and substances organisms in general, have not been treated for stabilization, and for the fertilization of soils. The temporary piles of manure in livestock and organic substances not subject to stabilization treatments, prepared, pending distribution on the ground in the agricultural zone, can not persist for more than two days without being covered with suitable tarpaulins, which might prevent, in all conditions, the development of foul-smelling fumes and insects, and the production of sewage drainage in case of rain. If it is necessary in order to avoid the development of flies or other pests, the piles will be subjected to proper treatment disinfectant.
farmers, transporters, distributors of manure compared to the constraint the "Guidelines" for combating flies, prepared by the Institute of Entomology of the 'University of Milan, which are integral and essential part of this order .
7) to holders of PUA / Puasa (plans agronomic use of manure) which provide for the distribution of pig manure or wastewater to communicate to the City prior to start each distribution operation and burial.
that non-compliance and / or non-performance of the information contained in this provision will result in the application of penalties laid down in Art. 7 bis of Legislative Decree No 18 August 2000 267 smi;
that the local police station - Via Dante 21 - Robecco sul Naviglio, and relevant offices of the ASL of the Province of Milan No 1 - Department of Prevention Medicine - No Way Spagliardi 19 - Parabiago (MI), each for its own skills, are responsible for ensuring the implementation of this Order and ensure compliance in the ways and forms of law;
that this Order is made public domain by publishing all 'Albo Praetorian Hall and on the website of the City www.comune.robeccosulnaviglio.mi.it , in the forms of law.
Against this measure, may be brought to court TAR, which is an extraordinary appeal to the President of the Republic.
This resolution is passed, for the development of expertise:
• the local police station - Via Dante 21 - Robecco sul Naviglio
• ASL of the Province of Milan - Via Spagliardi No 19-20015 Parabiago (MI)
Robecco sul Naviglio, 16 June 2010