TA ..........
This year we did not miss the opportunity to let greedy re ... participate in this beautifully organized by the now-proven TA staff of the Venetian friends, always extremely available in making home the runner from various Italian regions.
We are about fifty people attended with their wives and little children in tow, we are in Romagna 10 units, four runner aittanti with family at that beefy tiferà impartially for the four drugs. We depart mid-morning, miticojane paws, Marco van following close behind the roaring of the mythical rattles towards the lagoon.
arrive in Mestre, we sneak in and leave the Parck multistorey car and climb to their fate on the first train x Serene. From the station of Venice look back on the beautiful canal full of boats, ferries, gondolas that we had left in the edition 2010......il colpo d'occhio e notevole , ci fermiamo e bivacchiamo per un panino ed una bibita all'angolo di un edificio di li in avanti una sfacchinata galattica ci accompagnerà per ogni genere di ponti calle e sestriere, gente bruricante fino all'agognato albergo .
Oramai siamo quasi cotti ma il bello ancora deve venire, disbrigo pratiche e via tutti in camera per una leggera rinfrescata. Dopo di un ora siamo di nuovo in gioco ,i runner cominciano ad arrivare,tante pacche sulle spalle ,saluti baci e sorrisi si alternano ad avventure fatte e da fare in futuro,di li a poco partiamo con gli amici dell'organizzazione per un BACARO TOUR dove tra tramezzini squisiti,vino valdobiadene ci Imbriaco like old sponges. Miticojane the pacifier and a half and shows a tarantolato talking to the Italian language.
Bacchus to hit the mark, after a series of drinks in a Sestriere Bacaro we move to another room and we do a fantastic SPRIZZZ ......... and down ' alcohol !!!!!!. Imbriago as old sailors decide to sit in front of a pizza to close the evening. All to be ready to sleep after the evening stunned and media content. 8 all the way to breakfast and !!!!!!!......... to the gym where the organization will leave for the TA
Everything is going the best and after a nice group photo is parte.50 bison into the unknown, jumping on the steps of a tidal wave of bridges, walkways, streets, alleys, in short, an inextricable labyrinth of streets that only experienced people know unravel, beautiful views of an unusual Venice, after a run of 25 km back to base as suckling pig cooked but still happy to have once attended.
Now hot shower and go to all that will remain upon the table ,.......... magna ..... come to the end of the lavish dining room, greet everyone and leave again for home with this amazing adventure in the heart VENICE THANKS ........... ........ and thanks to all those with smiles and good taste have attended this wonderful event. N: B you now expect the current transformer of the San Bartolo Park April 17, 2011 ............... YOU WAIT TOO !!!!!!. Hello Beli