Saturday, February 28, 2009

Internal And External Proposals Differences

Wratsman the SUPEROIONE!

Wratsman is the ultimate super-hero among heroes over.
Wratsman is: THE SUPEROIONE!
His secret weapon is the superlative exhaustive. His move
invincible throws with augmentative svaccativo.
Where there is a blowhard, or so as to make a gentildonzella dripping humility to be transformed into a foul-mouthed virago overflowing, every time you present a situation of calm and show of your attention here ... which binds the tamarro interventone Wratsman of the SUPEROIONE! What do you see the eyes of
Wratsman there ... in the land of Hobesse (which as we know, oblige ...), so a blogger to use your stuff to post excuses, exceptions, and parallel considerations distinguish autosminuenti ...

Plana superorione our favorite at the crime scene report, the battle cry of "terrible life !!!... Unsemo knickers on my way! Urge redeem him, and persisted even insist ... Imensist !!!..." .
Wratsman mishandles the hips with the mild-mannered blogger predicozzone iperbolizzante, followed closely by excessive rough cazziatone the house.
... Lettoraccio deotogra delle mie tasche luridone, leggi qui se ti piace sto pircu brodone, e se no gettati a capofitto in fondo al fognone!...", simile tono hanno assunto gli scritti dell'ex blogger timido, dopo il passaggio salvifico del SUPEROIONE...

Un'altra avventura si è compiuta: la quiete dell'eccesso è finalmente ristabilita.
Ringrazia lo scribacchino graziato con la frase di rito, usando al nostro beniamino l'adagio assai gradito: "...Lode a te Wratsman, supereroe esagerato!!! ...però mo', prova 'n po' ad a'nnà a'mmorì ammazzato...".

By gillipixel

Internal And External Proposals Differences

Wratsman the SUPEROIONE!

Wratsman is the ultimate super-hero among heroes over.
Wratsman is: THE SUPEROIONE!
His secret weapon is the superlative exhaustive. His move
invincible throws with augmentative svaccativo.
Where there is a blowhard, or so as to make a gentildonzella dripping humility to be transformed into a foul-mouthed virago overflowing, every time you present a situation of calm and show of your attention here ... which binds the tamarro interventone Wratsman of the SUPEROIONE! What do you see the eyes of
Wratsman there ... in the land of Hobesse (which as we know, oblige ...), so a blogger to use your stuff to post excuses, exceptions, and parallel considerations distinguish autosminuenti ...

Plana superorione our favorite at the crime scene report, the battle cry of "terrible life !!!... Unsemo knickers on my way! Urge redeem him, and persisted even insist ... Imensist !!!..." .
Wratsman mishandles the hips with the mild-mannered blogger predicozzone iperbolizzante, followed closely by excessive rough cazziatone the house.
... Lettoraccio deotogra delle mie tasche luridone, leggi qui se ti piace sto pircu brodone, e se no gettati a capofitto in fondo al fognone!...", simile tono hanno assunto gli scritti dell'ex blogger timido, dopo il passaggio salvifico del SUPEROIONE...

Un'altra avventura si è compiuta: la quiete dell'eccesso è finalmente ristabilita.
Ringrazia lo scribacchino graziato con la frase di rito, usando al nostro beniamino l'adagio assai gradito: "...Lode a te Wratsman, supereroe esagerato!!! ...però mo', prova 'n po' ad a'nnà a'mmorì ammazzato...".

By gillipixel

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Brown Wraping Paper To Mail

Pully Pilly pally: The filastrocchina ... In the reign

Pully Pilly pally
singing in the circle, wringing their hands while the legs


Pully Pilly pally
sing the old, while her hands
gross candy
mess the squares of their cottages.

Pully Pilly pally
scream cute, but with little fingers and little ones
critters on the wall of mothers.

Pully Pilly ... that sucks!
screaming while their daddy
cinghina with studded leather well
chases little children

Pully Pilly ... pijali pijali!
is screaming while her mother

lace covers the window a little incrinatina.

Pully Pilly pally
dancing ballerina!
that good company!
beautiful children that loved ones are bound to the sofa!

by farlocchina

Brown Wraping Paper To Mail

Pully Pilly pally: The filastrocchina ... In the reign

Pully Pilly pally
singing in the circle, wringing their hands while the legs


Pully Pilly pally
sing the old, while her hands
gross candy
mess the squares of their cottages.

Pully Pilly pally
scream cute, but with little fingers and little ones
critters on the wall of mothers.

Pully Pilly ... that sucks!
screaming while their daddy
cinghina with studded leather well
chases little children

Pully Pilly ... pijali pijali!
is screaming while her mother

lace covers the window a little incrinatina.

Pully Pilly pally
dancing ballerina!
that good company!
beautiful children that loved ones are bound to the sofa!

by farlocchina

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Places To Meet Gay Men In Hyderabad


In the fairy kingdom of Hyogiu, life went quiet little words between diminutives and fondled.
Since I ascended the throne, the queen Comellini, was firmly established in the common language dell'Ebowine practice, which required an act of supreme politeness reduce all the words in their reduced size, a sign of courtesy shown to the other party and all those who are nearby.
happen for example that Messer Sestedop met by the way Miss Blubcour ed a lei così si rivolgesse:
“Buongiornino, signorina carinina, dove ve ne andate a zonzino di bellino?”
“Oh, messerino gentilino, mi reco al fornino a far provvistine di pagnottine e filoncini: vorreste accompagnarmi per un pezzettino di stradina?”.
Oppure ancora, allorquando l’operaio Prialsin, indaffarato di lavoro sull’impalcatura, si ritrovava a mancare la capocchia del chiodo andando a centrare altro ben più sensibile obiettivo, ecco come lo potevi sentire declamare:
“Oh perdincino, che sbadatino sono mai io: mi sono dato una martellatina piccina sull’unghietta del ditoncino polliciosino…ora mi verrà un pochino nerina, ma chi se ne importina?”. Thus
sounded happy in the kingdom of the air Hyogiu, pervaded the words out, and graziosette.
until the fateful day when the queen Comellini was preparing to receive the four ambassadors of the kingdom of Unnin, expected in court for an exchange of pleasantries decreased.
The queen asked the court pages:
"His Maestina Meravigliosina, Tempini will have to wait as the ambasciatorini nell'anticamerina before you can access your apartment gift?".
"From momentino esattino that I hear the bells announce their ingressino, just let them wait Justin quarter of urine," the queen gave orders.
pages I realized that this expression indicate the two eighths of the time it takes to make a pee, that is just a brief moment, and not a banal "fifteen minutes", as the queen wanted to hear. And indeed, the ambassadors arrived, ring the bell to register and open the door of the apartment of the queen, were one.
irony of fate would have it, the unexpected entrance Comellini just just plucked the queen seated on the royal chamber pot: "Paggiacci porcacci of my pockets," snapped the royal noblewoman intent on passing urine, "You have not understood a minchiaccia anything ... take me at least the wastepaper toilet of my boots which is also over, the porcaccia vaccaccia boiona !!!".
E fu così che la pratica dell’Ebowine venne lasciata perdere e tutti ripresero a parlare come mangiavano.

By gillipixel

Places To Meet Gay Men In Hyderabad


In the fairy kingdom of Hyogiu, life went quiet little words between diminutives and fondled.
Since I ascended the throne, the queen Comellini, was firmly established in the common language dell'Ebowine practice, which required an act of supreme politeness reduce all the words in their reduced size, a sign of courtesy shown to the other party and all those who are nearby.
happen for example that Messer Sestedop met by the way Miss Blubcour ed a lei così si rivolgesse:
“Buongiornino, signorina carinina, dove ve ne andate a zonzino di bellino?”
“Oh, messerino gentilino, mi reco al fornino a far provvistine di pagnottine e filoncini: vorreste accompagnarmi per un pezzettino di stradina?”.
Oppure ancora, allorquando l’operaio Prialsin, indaffarato di lavoro sull’impalcatura, si ritrovava a mancare la capocchia del chiodo andando a centrare altro ben più sensibile obiettivo, ecco come lo potevi sentire declamare:
“Oh perdincino, che sbadatino sono mai io: mi sono dato una martellatina piccina sull’unghietta del ditoncino polliciosino…ora mi verrà un pochino nerina, ma chi se ne importina?”. Thus
sounded happy in the kingdom of the air Hyogiu, pervaded the words out, and graziosette.
until the fateful day when the queen Comellini was preparing to receive the four ambassadors of the kingdom of Unnin, expected in court for an exchange of pleasantries decreased.
The queen asked the court pages:
"His Maestina Meravigliosina, Tempini will have to wait as the ambasciatorini nell'anticamerina before you can access your apartment gift?".
"From momentino esattino that I hear the bells announce their ingressino, just let them wait Justin quarter of urine," the queen gave orders.
pages I realized that this expression indicate the two eighths of the time it takes to make a pee, that is just a brief moment, and not a banal "fifteen minutes", as the queen wanted to hear. And indeed, the ambassadors arrived, ring the bell to register and open the door of the apartment of the queen, were one.
irony of fate would have it, the unexpected entrance Comellini just just plucked the queen seated on the royal chamber pot: "Paggiacci porcacci of my pockets," snapped the royal noblewoman intent on passing urine, "You have not understood a minchiaccia anything ... take me at least the wastepaper toilet of my boots which is also over, the porcaccia vaccaccia boiona !!!".
E fu così che la pratica dell’Ebowine venne lasciata perdere e tutti ripresero a parlare come mangiavano.

By gillipixel

Friday, February 13, 2009

Dog Twitching In Hind

The ancient ritual of Greverve

Antica depositaria del rituale Greverve fu per secoli la casta insipienziale dei Calited .
Essa si sviluppò nell'ambito della civiltà Exionest , fiorente fra il delta ed il gamma del fiume Bidecru fra il III e il VI sec. F. C. (= di Fianco a Cristo: fu questa infatti l'unica civiltà in grado di sfuggire all'imperativo cronologico di dover andare sempre avanti, riuscendo a fare scorrere time in the lateral direction than the birth date of Jesus).
Greverve The ritual, practiced by men and women Calited , consisted in winding the sacrificial victim in a flurry of speech is very heavy and boring.
The purpose of this ritual? How
starred in her first chapter, the Wises , Calited holy book: "Precisely because the current climate ...".
The poor victim, after two hours of Greverve , fell into a deep state of kgnoc or "violent rejection" of any form of language.
To resume the poor man had to submit information to a trauma of futile violence and equal contrary: there are priests and equal to contari Calited , the Earysine , which had inter-temporal satellite dishes capable of receiving the signal of modern television.
Historians Exionest among the most miraculous healing of victims of Greverve , hundreds of people suddenly returned to the talkative fiercer after learning the news that in the distant future ... Lapo Elkan had been voted to five consecutive years the best dressed man in the world ..."(*).

[(*) = Paradoxically, this last phrase in quotes, which is the biggest crap written throughout this track, is also the only real thing: with my own ears heard in passing to "live life": I swear!]

By gillipixel

Dog Twitching In Hind

The ancient ritual of Greverve

Antica depositaria del rituale Greverve fu per secoli la casta insipienziale dei Calited .
Essa si sviluppò nell'ambito della civiltà Exionest , fiorente fra il delta ed il gamma del fiume Bidecru fra il III e il VI sec. F. C. (= di Fianco a Cristo: fu questa infatti l'unica civiltà in grado di sfuggire all'imperativo cronologico di dover andare sempre avanti, riuscendo a fare scorrere time in the lateral direction than the birth date of Jesus).
Greverve The ritual, practiced by men and women Calited , consisted in winding the sacrificial victim in a flurry of speech is very heavy and boring.
The purpose of this ritual? How
starred in her first chapter, the Wises , Calited holy book: "Precisely because the current climate ...".
The poor victim, after two hours of Greverve , fell into a deep state of kgnoc or "violent rejection" of any form of language.
To resume the poor man had to submit information to a trauma of futile violence and equal contrary: there are priests and equal to contari Calited , the Earysine , which had inter-temporal satellite dishes capable of receiving the signal of modern television.
Historians Exionest among the most miraculous healing of victims of Greverve , hundreds of people suddenly returned to the talkative fiercer after learning the news that in the distant future ... Lapo Elkan had been voted to five consecutive years the best dressed man in the world ..."(*).

[(*) = Paradoxically, this last phrase in quotes, which is the biggest crap written throughout this track, is also the only real thing: with my own ears heard in passing to "live life": I swear!]

By gillipixel

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Coconut Milk Benefits For Thyroid

(The minutes of this meeting was prepared by the municipal administration. The parts in red are refinements added later by the citizens)

MINUTES OF MEETING January 22, 2009

MEETING WITH RESIDENTS OF Cascinazza Via Martiri foibe

- Present: Mayor G. Zanoni
- Examiners: S. Negri, B. Sciascia, P. Garavaglia.
- Head UTL Dameno
- Local Police Commander: P. De Vecchi
- Residents Via Martiri foibe: Volpi, Brambilla, Riboni, Corobu, Capizzi, placenta, Lovallo, Masuzzo, Notch, Piccioni, Iampietro .

It starts by analyzing the meeting agenda items included in the letter requesting the meeting:

1) Allergies inflicted by excessive flowering poplar; pest control mosquitoes.
There are a number of poplar plantations in the Park of the Ticino Valley, so during the months of flowering has been invaded by a duvet. With regard to the plantation behind the house the farmer responsible for planting, is going to cut the poplar trees. The Mayor will invite, in a informal, farmer to refrain from further poplars planted close to dwellings, establishing a minimum distance to be observed.
The Mayor has set out, in order to curb the proliferation of mosquitoes, the provisions have already been disclosed to all citizens in previous years. The treatments against adult mosquitoes are not recommended: even when properly performed, poses to the environment and people a toxic risk. This treatment is a low cost-effectiveness. Cleaning of the manholes of sewers.

2) odors.
During the summer months (not only) feel nauseous odors. The Office of Ecology, will accept the recommendations of citizens and will strive to ask ASL to ARPA on the spot checks in order to ascertain the problem and, if appropriate, will send the authorities to seek solutions to eliminate these emissions. Many when they bought the house did not know there was a chicken farm.
Some people at certain times of day or night of the burning plastic so it will be the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the authorities, informing the local police or the guards of the ecological park of Ticino. After 20.00, when it starts to feel the smells, to whom we Rivoli?

3) Security, enlargement of the road, on a wall Marti Nasiriyah, bike path.
With the recovery plan in place has been able to spread via the Martyrs in Nasiriyah and provide a sidewalk for pedestrian safety. Enlargement of the way allows you to have greater visibility and safety. With the implementation of the new government of the Territory Plan will take into account the possibility of an 'additional access path to the Way of the Martyrs Foibe.

4) Public transportation.
Currently the bus service call to partly meet the needs of residents. Deputy Mayor Negri was activated Atinom to evaluate in the future the possibility of passage of a public transport line. For years, we are talking about buses, while in other segments of neighboring municipalities already have it, what problems the company inconstra tpl extend the local service?

5) Condition asphalt, no sidewalks, excessive traffic passing, poor lighting and no protection by the roadside.
Via F.lli Bandiera has been paved recently and has also provided training for two speed bumps so the road has improved significantly. On the street
Passavone have formed holes in the asphalt and the docks have become dangerous at some points it seems that the case is also due to the passage of trucks for the water purification plant.
The Engineering Department will carry out una verifica della situazione stradale ed a ricercare finanziamenti per procedere ad eventuali lavori si asfaltatura,di allargamento. Si valuterà la possibilità di costruire una pista ciclopedonale.
Per la strada che da Cà Nova porta ad Abbiategrasso e che risulta molto ammalorata il Sindaco si impegnerà a risollecitare L’Amministrazione di Abbiategrasso per un pronto intervento essendo tale tratto nel comune di Abbiategrasso. L’Ufficio Tecnico chiederà dei preventivi per il potenziamento dell’illuminazione pubblica nella piazza S. Bernardo. Causa la conformazione del centro storico di Cascinazza diventa impossibile costruire un marciapiede a meno di far diventare la via F.lli Bandiera a senso unico creando però più problematica viability.
In via Martiri Foibe some residents to enter at high speed, creating a danger for children and families is suggested to reinforce a bollard. The Mayor calls to respect the rules of the road and civic duty.

6) Environmental Sanitation
Some people do not respect the days designated for collection of garbage and leaving rubbish on street corners. It calls for greater oversight by the competent offices with penalties to discourage this practice. do not meet the standards of public hygiene, also recalled the recent orders of the Mayor, with regard to the owners of several dogs who bring their pets in public green spaces.

7) Respect the rules of civil coexistence (noises at night)
The local police will step up checks for safety. At night you will have to request the intervention of the Carabinieri.

8) parking savages.
Some residents are accustomed to leave their cars parked in front of the house and do not withdraw it in the box, thus creating difficulties for the road. Require evaluation of the construction of more parking spaces at the beginning of the martyrs of Foibe away. These stands could be used for those who went to the restaurant
"The Chick" Now customers of the restaurant parked in the wild in the small square S. Bernardo. Please note that you can park in front of the park and Ticozzelli Maria in Via delle Vigne is therefore necessary to accustom the people to take some steps to reach the restaurant.

9) Sink public.
The laundry is no longer in use and the temporary employment contract has expired. Therefore the property is returned to its original owner.

10) Park
public is asked:
- to restore some signs of road signs that have been uprooted.
- to increase the grass cutting in summer.
- to put some more games in the playground.
- to replace the trees withered.
- to reposition signs prohibiting entry by dogs in the parks.

at the meeting also discussed the following issues which were not included in the report:

- Meeting for the Elderly: There is nothing, no recreational activity.
- Disabled people can not access the street runs Martyrs Foibe;
- Irrigation in the parks;
-sewer manhole in the corner of Via Martiri Foibe: current curve in the road and

Coconut Milk Benefits For Thyroid

(The minutes of this meeting was prepared by the municipal administration. The parts in red are refinements added later by the citizens)

MINUTES OF MEETING January 22, 2009

MEETING WITH RESIDENTS OF Cascinazza Via Martiri foibe

- Present: Mayor G. Zanoni
- Examiners: S. Negri, B. Sciascia, P. Garavaglia.
- Head UTL Dameno
- Local Police Commander: P. De Vecchi
- Residents Via Martiri foibe: Volpi, Brambilla, Riboni, Corobu, Capizzi, placenta, Lovallo, Masuzzo, Notch, Piccioni, Iampietro .

It starts by analyzing the meeting agenda items included in the letter requesting the meeting:

1) Allergies inflicted by excessive flowering poplar; pest control mosquitoes.
There are a number of poplar plantations in the Park of the Ticino Valley, so during the months of flowering has been invaded by a duvet. With regard to the plantation behind the house the farmer responsible for planting, is going to cut the poplar trees. The Mayor will invite, in a informal, farmer to refrain from further poplars planted close to dwellings, establishing a minimum distance to be observed.
The Mayor has set out, in order to curb the proliferation of mosquitoes, the provisions have already been disclosed to all citizens in previous years. The treatments against adult mosquitoes are not recommended: even when properly performed, poses to the environment and people a toxic risk. This treatment is a low cost-effectiveness. Cleaning of the manholes of sewers.

2) odors.
During the summer months (not only) feel nauseous odors. The Office of Ecology, will accept the recommendations of citizens and will strive to ask ASL to ARPA on the spot checks in order to ascertain the problem and, if appropriate, will send the authorities to seek solutions to eliminate these emissions. Many when they bought the house did not know there was a chicken farm.
Some people at certain times of day or night of the burning plastic so it will be the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the authorities, informing the local police or the guards of the ecological park of Ticino. After 20.00, when it starts to feel the smells, to whom we Rivoli?

3) Security, enlargement of the road, on a wall Marti Nasiriyah, bike path.
With the recovery plan in place has been able to spread via the Martyrs in Nasiriyah and provide a sidewalk for pedestrian safety. Enlargement of the way allows you to have greater visibility and safety. With the implementation of the new government of the Territory Plan will take into account the possibility of an 'additional access path to the Way of the Martyrs Foibe.

4) Public transportation.
Currently the bus service call to partly meet the needs of residents. Deputy Mayor Negri was activated Atinom to evaluate in the future the possibility of passage of a public transport line. For years, we are talking about buses, while in other segments of neighboring municipalities already have it, what problems the company inconstra tpl extend the local service?

5) Condition asphalt, no sidewalks, excessive traffic passing, poor lighting and no protection by the roadside.
Via F.lli Bandiera has been paved recently and has also provided training for two speed bumps so the road has improved significantly. On the street
Passavone have formed holes in the asphalt and the docks have become dangerous at some points it seems that the case is also due to the passage of trucks for the water purification plant.
The Engineering Department will carry out una verifica della situazione stradale ed a ricercare finanziamenti per procedere ad eventuali lavori si asfaltatura,di allargamento. Si valuterà la possibilità di costruire una pista ciclopedonale.
Per la strada che da Cà Nova porta ad Abbiategrasso e che risulta molto ammalorata il Sindaco si impegnerà a risollecitare L’Amministrazione di Abbiategrasso per un pronto intervento essendo tale tratto nel comune di Abbiategrasso. L’Ufficio Tecnico chiederà dei preventivi per il potenziamento dell’illuminazione pubblica nella piazza S. Bernardo. Causa la conformazione del centro storico di Cascinazza diventa impossibile costruire un marciapiede a meno di far diventare la via F.lli Bandiera a senso unico creando però più problematica viability.
In via Martiri Foibe some residents to enter at high speed, creating a danger for children and families is suggested to reinforce a bollard. The Mayor calls to respect the rules of the road and civic duty.

6) Environmental Sanitation
Some people do not respect the days designated for collection of garbage and leaving rubbish on street corners. It calls for greater oversight by the competent offices with penalties to discourage this practice. do not meet the standards of public hygiene, also recalled the recent orders of the Mayor, with regard to the owners of several dogs who bring their pets in public green spaces.

7) Respect the rules of civil coexistence (noises at night)
The local police will step up checks for safety. At night you will have to request the intervention of the Carabinieri.

8) parking savages.
Some residents are accustomed to leave their cars parked in front of the house and do not withdraw it in the box, thus creating difficulties for the road. Require evaluation of the construction of more parking spaces at the beginning of the martyrs of Foibe away. These stands could be used for those who went to the restaurant
"The Chick" Now customers of the restaurant parked in the wild in the small square S. Bernardo. Please note that you can park in front of the park and Ticozzelli Maria in Via delle Vigne is therefore necessary to accustom the people to take some steps to reach the restaurant.

9) Sink public.
The laundry is no longer in use and the temporary employment contract has expired. Therefore the property is returned to its original owner.

10) Park
public is asked:
- to restore some signs of road signs that have been uprooted.
- to increase the grass cutting in summer.
- to put some more games in the playground.
- to replace the trees withered.
- to reposition signs prohibiting entry by dogs in the parks.

at the meeting also discussed the following issues which were not included in the report:

- Meeting for the Elderly: There is nothing, no recreational activity.
- Disabled people can not access the street runs Martyrs Foibe;
- Irrigation in the parks;
-sewer manhole in the corner of Via Martiri Foibe: current curve in the road and

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Can Not Find File 'gcffiles.dat'


L ' Inereolo is a friendly family of pentapede Ionsau , a sort of cousins \u200b\u200bof the womb, but much more intensively marmottidei.
These small-medium sized teddy are widespread on the island of Otorse known precisely for the eight species that inhabit plantigrade.
Among the characteristic behaviors dell'Inereolo ranks among the troflar felibill on ' ismso of Iminer . This animal activity, so called in the dialect of the local population, the Yologo , is to graze in a forest of trees felibill (which grow on a narrow slice of land overlooking the sea surrounding the ' ismso of Iminer fact), leaving layers of plants suitable comb the mantle of creature in the undergrowth by dropping small tufts of fur in excess. From this
pelage, collected by using the Yologo shank, a traditional rake raccattapelo, the joyful indigenous derive dicarbur , pallette of hair that used to fill up their cars in the ecological, the aviderte .
These cars are so named because it is used strictly with the sole purpose of going to see a relative or friend: aviderte .
Their main advantage: the pallette of dicarbur , burning, causes no CO2 emissions or other pollutants, but slight proicel of violet and nueeds mountain pine.
By gillipixel and rosaluscemblog

I Can Not Find File 'gcffiles.dat'


L ' Inereolo is a friendly family of pentapede Ionsau , a sort of cousins \u200b\u200bof the womb, but much more intensively marmottidei.
These small-medium sized teddy are widespread on the island of Otorse known precisely for the eight species that inhabit plantigrade.
Among the characteristic behaviors dell'Inereolo ranks among the troflar felibill on ' ismso of Iminer . This animal activity, so called in the dialect of the local population, the Yologo , is to graze in a forest of trees felibill (which grow on a narrow slice of land overlooking the sea surrounding the ' ismso of Iminer fact), leaving layers of plants suitable comb the mantle of creature in the undergrowth by dropping small tufts of fur in excess. From this
pelage, collected by using the Yologo shank, a traditional rake raccattapelo, the joyful indigenous derive dicarbur , pallette of hair that used to fill up their cars in the ecological, the aviderte .
These cars are so named because it is used strictly with the sole purpose of going to see a relative or friend: aviderte .
Their main advantage: the pallette of dicarbur , burning, causes no CO2 emissions or other pollutants, but slight proicel of violet and nueeds mountain pine.
By gillipixel and rosaluscemblog

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Love Women Wearing Girdles


Sinicsyn: common name to indicate the trans-metiletilamminotrapezoidina, the new revolution in the fight to outbreaks of cold. Virtually the power liquid plumber for your respiratory system! A suppository, and the world will return 'to smile.

image taken from here
by the physical

* * News external content that reached us via email, through physical there really liked it!

I Love Women Wearing Girdles


Sinicsyn: common name to indicate the trans-metiletilamminotrapezoidina, the new revolution in the fight to outbreaks of cold. Virtually the power liquid plumber for your respiratory system! A suppository, and the world will return 'to smile.

image taken from here
by the physical

* * News external content that reached us via email, through physical there really liked it!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Xmas Greetings For The Boss

Writers in crisis curansi

From Gradab , writes our correspondent Scientific Slity Uncel :


Clinically Kuphysi of Gradab was developed a method of treatment for dysfunction Art special: blank page syndrome, spectrum-bogeyman of all writers.

Thanks to long walks in the impressive avenues of trees weistree and relaxing treatment sessions based on physical Masciago back, the narrator finds himself lost here his ingsfer creative.
Very famous are also comfortable plaid pluannel , provided for the guests of the clinic, who doze off under a warm restaurant, in the cool nights of Gradab have a chance to regain the glow of awakening vein of composition.

But the most effective method is to Kuphysi treatment with Impings therapy. The

Ridectel , comely young ladies and sophisticated intellectuals (at least three degrees each, with a master in the best faculty in the United States of Chanou , strictly over 48 and arms cut hair or wool), specializing in literature and humor, entertain the poor writer in need of ideas, making love to him and whispering in your ear for hours "in search words", such as: "... geaver, ballogra, actedepa, Purda, bedlic, Thrope, carrewi, textiles, proodic, vowsc , upbah, ovitinal, misrash, tonarlsi ...".

is not known, the scientific justification of the phenomenon (and not even know that there is one, although according to the distinguished professor Saicen Carbosul bogged down, the University of Platesc, energy would be supplied by the decisive therapeutic marvelous mix of very high IQ, ability and passion unrestrained hirsute armpit), but the fact is that after a few sessions of this therapy, the writer finds her veins cut natural laws and is now ready to evacuate fantasy to the four winds. The clinic

Kuphysi is renowned for having treated the likes of pens Slygra Acheryn , after treatment with Ridectel has published his mammoth work in ten volumes, "Dall'acciarino to match: the 'possibility of not singed fingers human capital as a conquest. "

It was also nice to Kuphysi , even the master Wrium Edowe Eonexor Dolyce Herop Dextrins Gegalas Corbuloc Rophingl Tobtuf called" Bencritu Catra, who once resigned from the clinic was caught portentous narration by a fit so as to make him run to get anagrafe add a little 'names more, then continuing to write on tar roads, not enough to 8000 pounds of reams of paper purchased.
And think of that before of hospitalization ... named Gino Rossi !

By gillipixel

Xmas Greetings For The Boss

Writers in crisis curansi

From Gradab , writes our correspondent Scientific Slity Uncel :


Clinically Kuphysi of Gradab was developed a method of treatment for dysfunction Art special: blank page syndrome, spectrum-bogeyman of all writers.

Thanks to long walks in the impressive avenues of trees weistree and relaxing treatment sessions based on physical Masciago back, the narrator finds himself lost here his ingsfer creative.
Very famous are also comfortable plaid pluannel , provided for the guests of the clinic, who doze off under a warm restaurant, in the cool nights of Gradab have a chance to regain the glow of awakening vein of composition.

But the most effective method is to Kuphysi treatment with Impings therapy. The

Ridectel , comely young ladies and sophisticated intellectuals (at least three degrees each, with a master in the best faculty in the United States of Chanou , strictly over 48 and arms cut hair or wool), specializing in literature and humor, entertain the poor writer in need of ideas, making love to him and whispering in your ear for hours "in search words", such as: "... geaver, ballogra, actedepa, Purda, bedlic, Thrope, carrewi, textiles, proodic, vowsc , upbah, ovitinal, misrash, tonarlsi ...".

is not known, the scientific justification of the phenomenon (and not even know that there is one, although according to the distinguished professor Saicen Carbosul bogged down, the University of Platesc, energy would be supplied by the decisive therapeutic marvelous mix of very high IQ, ability and passion unrestrained hirsute armpit), but the fact is that after a few sessions of this therapy, the writer finds her veins cut natural laws and is now ready to evacuate fantasy to the four winds. The clinic

Kuphysi is renowned for having treated the likes of pens Slygra Acheryn , after treatment with Ridectel has published his mammoth work in ten volumes, "Dall'acciarino to match: the 'possibility of not singed fingers human capital as a conquest. "

It was also nice to Kuphysi , even the master Wrium Edowe Eonexor Dolyce Herop Dextrins Gegalas Corbuloc Rophingl Tobtuf called" Bencritu Catra, who once resigned from the clinic was caught portentous narration by a fit so as to make him run to get anagrafe add a little 'names more, then continuing to write on tar roads, not enough to 8000 pounds of reams of paper purchased.
And think of that before of hospitalization ... named Gino Rossi !

By gillipixel