In the fairy kingdom of Hyogiu, life went quiet little words between diminutives and fondled.
Since I ascended the throne, the queen Comellini, was firmly established in the common language dell'Ebowine practice, which required an act of supreme politeness reduce all the words in their reduced size, a sign of courtesy shown to the other party and all those who are nearby.
happen for example that Messer Sestedop met by the way Miss Blubcour ed a lei così si rivolgesse:
“Buongiornino, signorina carinina, dove ve ne andate a zonzino di bellino?”
“Oh, messerino gentilino, mi reco al fornino a far provvistine di pagnottine e filoncini: vorreste accompagnarmi per un pezzettino di stradina?”.
Oppure ancora, allorquando l’operaio Prialsin, indaffarato di lavoro sull’impalcatura, si ritrovava a mancare la capocchia del chiodo andando a centrare altro ben più sensibile obiettivo, ecco come lo potevi sentire declamare:
“Oh perdincino, che sbadatino sono mai io: mi sono dato una martellatina piccina sull’unghietta del ditoncino polliciosino…ora mi verrà un pochino nerina, ma chi se ne importina?”. Thus
sounded happy in the kingdom of the air Hyogiu, pervaded the words out, and graziosette.
until the fateful day when the queen Comellini was preparing to receive the four ambassadors of the kingdom of Unnin, expected in court for an exchange of pleasantries decreased.
The queen asked the court pages:
"His Maestina Meravigliosina, Tempini will have to wait as the ambasciatorini nell'anticamerina before you can access your apartment gift?".
"From momentino esattino that I hear the bells announce their ingressino, just let them wait Justin quarter of urine," the queen gave orders.
pages I realized that this expression indicate the two eighths of the time it takes to make a pee, that is just a brief moment, and not a banal "fifteen minutes", as the queen wanted to hear. And indeed, the ambassadors arrived, ring the bell to register and open the door of the apartment of the queen, were one.
irony of fate would have it, the unexpected entrance Comellini just just plucked the queen seated on the royal chamber pot: "Paggiacci porcacci of my pockets," snapped the royal noblewoman intent on passing urine, "You have not understood a minchiaccia anything ... take me at least the wastepaper toilet of my boots which is also over, the porcaccia vaccaccia boiona !!!".
E fu così che la pratica dell’Ebowine venne lasciata perdere e tutti ripresero a parlare come mangiavano.
happen for example that Messer Sestedop met by the way Miss Blubcour ed a lei così si rivolgesse:
“Buongiornino, signorina carinina, dove ve ne andate a zonzino di bellino?”
“Oh, messerino gentilino, mi reco al fornino a far provvistine di pagnottine e filoncini: vorreste accompagnarmi per un pezzettino di stradina?”.
Oppure ancora, allorquando l’operaio Prialsin, indaffarato di lavoro sull’impalcatura, si ritrovava a mancare la capocchia del chiodo andando a centrare altro ben più sensibile obiettivo, ecco come lo potevi sentire declamare:
“Oh perdincino, che sbadatino sono mai io: mi sono dato una martellatina piccina sull’unghietta del ditoncino polliciosino…ora mi verrà un pochino nerina, ma chi se ne importina?”. Thus
sounded happy in the kingdom of the air Hyogiu, pervaded the words out, and graziosette.
until the fateful day when the queen Comellini was preparing to receive the four ambassadors of the kingdom of Unnin, expected in court for an exchange of pleasantries decreased.
The queen asked the court pages:
"His Maestina Meravigliosina, Tempini will have to wait as the ambasciatorini nell'anticamerina before you can access your apartment gift?".
"From momentino esattino that I hear the bells announce their ingressino, just let them wait Justin quarter of urine," the queen gave orders.
pages I realized that this expression indicate the two eighths of the time it takes to make a pee, that is just a brief moment, and not a banal "fifteen minutes", as the queen wanted to hear. And indeed, the ambassadors arrived, ring the bell to register and open the door of the apartment of the queen, were one.
irony of fate would have it, the unexpected entrance Comellini just just plucked the queen seated on the royal chamber pot: "Paggiacci porcacci of my pockets," snapped the royal noblewoman intent on passing urine, "You have not understood a minchiaccia anything ... take me at least the wastepaper toilet of my boots which is also over, the porcaccia vaccaccia boiona !!!".
E fu così che la pratica dell’Ebowine venne lasciata perdere e tutti ripresero a parlare come mangiavano.
By gillipixel

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