More and more! 713 ...
... They are the residents of Cascinazza. We update the previous figure of 696 citizens.
In a few months have moved as many as 17 people. The number is expected to increase further considering the yards are still open. This increase brings the Cascinazza to bypass Castellazzo de Barzi now we are the village's most populous municipality behind Casterno. This figure will be enough to make it clear to listings show up for the upcoming elections there is always a fraction bigger but with very little, or no services? We hope so! In the meantime, we recall the analysis of population in the municipality (although partial), made a few months ago in a post that you can read here
. It can be seen the incredible Cascinazza development of recent years who have not completed an appropriate service plan. The same fate will happen with the "fifth village, mega housing development of nearly one thousand inhabitants, in the draft behind the cemetery in the capital?
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