who noticed the song that lures these days of sleep cascinazzesi? Comes from a small bird, the nightingale . For many nights you can distinctly hear her singing, very loud and clear. It is not the first season that makes us visit. Reading this little animal, we discover the truly amazing things. On wikipedia says:
"... Her singing is considered among the finest and most complex of songbirds and consists of single tones and two stanzas of densely aligned to each other. In the beginning spring the nightingales sing mostly at night until the morning, singing serves here mainly for the demarcation of reserves and for the attraction of female partners. In late spring the nightingales can be heard clearly during the day. The Male songbirds learn to sing in early youth by birds and neighbors know fluently between 120 and 260 different kinds of verses, which last for more than two to four seconds. The differences in the repertoires of verses learned and changes in characteristics stanzas allow the differentiation of regional dialects. The nightingale is the subject of research by ethology mainly because of its complexity and the function of the past memoria.In nightingale's song was considered a painkiller and had to make a mercy killing and the dying patient to a speedy healing ...."
[ Source Wikipedia]
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