!!!!...... was time today with the sun I could not resist the lure of the new Jack ..... Jack, as a curious mother-in-law in the house of my daughter have launched a ride with my new and trustworthy friend of the game. The sensations are strange and manifold, the new structure in a bike as you are in the saddle, the guide gave me a very special effect but the strange way of keeping your arms on the handlebars makes me a little squabble ....... .. I can not find a way to remain stationary for a long time with the grip stop at a certain point, maybe I move too much on looking for the right point handlebar, saddle duretta but I think with a little of CALL all will pass ... it takes some time without burning stages.
First impressions are very good, the smoothness of the bike and the phenomenal velocità su strada si sente tantissimo, mi sono fatto 61km alla velocità media data dal nuovo ciclo-computer e di 22km ,velocità massima 44 km ,tempo in strada 2 ore e 23 minuti......da ora in avanti e giunta l'ora di divertirsi,..........a dimenticavo il percorso che ho fatto e stato da Gradara(pu) a Mercatino Conca (pu).........e come dico sempre :dai dè gas. Ciao Beli
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